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BCSA is proud to celebrate over 90 years of training men and women for gospel service. But our story isn’t over. We are already thinking about our centenary and praying that God will do even more with us in the future than he has in the past. We would love you to partner with us in our work.
– Principal Rev Tim Patrick


In 2014 the College celebrated its 90th anniversary and we have a great deal to thank God for. Our student numbers have been steadily growing and there is a very positive atmosphere both within and around the College. Healthy class sizes are building energy levels around study and students feel stimulated and challenged by all that they’re learning. This mood has also overflowed into our social spaces where there is a regular vibrant buzz of activity. Beyond the College itself, there is also a real sense that we are on the move and realising more of our significant gospel potential. Our faculty have an ongoing stream of ministry engagements and invitations that include speaking in local churches and on church conferences, running seminars for parachurch groups, addressing mission organisation meetings, and more. We are excited about the College’s future and encouraged by God’s goodness.

Future Directions

At one level, our plans for the future are to keep doing what we’ve always done – training in Bible, theology and ministry. But as we look to the ongoing gospel needs of Adelaide and beyond, we see that there is a great need for many more theologically trained men and women to serve in both new and existing ministries so that the good news of Jesus can be shared with all the different groups of people in our communities. Plans are in place to ensure that Bible College SA can stay at the forefront of theological and ministry formation for years to come.

For all our plans, we greatly appreciate your prayers and contributions of support.