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Celebrating 100 years of Bible College SA

Bible College SA Centenary Book

At our Centenary Thanksgiving Service we launched the book that has been especially written to commemorate our 100 years. It is a beautiful 60 page hard cover coffee table book full of pictures and text that traces out our foundations and history, our current ministry, and our vision for the decade ahead. There are also wonderfully encouraging testimonies from members of the Bible College SA community interspersed throughout. This book will be a precious keepsake for anyone connected with the College—and a great gift too.

$40 each (pick up from Bible College SA).
$55 each (includes postage within Australia).

Books are available for purchase here.

For more information, please contact 8291 8188 or

One Year Bible Reading Plan

What better way to celebrate 100 years of teaching the Bible than to read the Bible! We have prepared a reading plan that will take us through the whole Bible over the course of 2024 and we would love you to join reading with us—right from the comfort of your own home and at whatever times suit you. The whole plan can be found here, and each month we’ll put a note in our newsletter with a reminder of the current readings.

Our Principal, Rev Dr Tim Patrick, says, ‘Every few years I try to read through the whole Bible from cover to cover. This is such a great way to engage with all of God’s grand story in one continuous sweep, and to be reminded of those sections of Scripture which tend not to get as much attention in our churches or Bible study groups. I’m looking forward to reading the whole Bible again in 2024 and really hope you will too.’

To read the whole Bible in a year you only need to read three or four chapters per day, or about 23 chapters per week, or about 99 chapters per month.

Centenary Hoodie

To mark our 100 year anniversary, we have designed a special-edition Hoodie available for purchase. Manufactured locally, and of excellent quality, these are a great way to promote your connection to Bible College SA within your networks.

Hoodies available for orders soon.

$89 each. Pick up from Bible College SA, or home delivery for an extra fee.

For more information, please contact or 8291 8188.

Public Lecture Series

As part of Bible College SA’s centenary celebrations, we are excited to announce that our faculty will be presenting a free public lecture series over six Monday nights starting in June. Each member of the College’s faculty will give one lecture that will be accessible to all comers. Together these lectures will give a unique taste of the package of teaching that we offer to our students.

Everyone is very welcome to attend. Come for one, or come for them all, and feel free to bring friends along too. A light supper will be served each evening. We look forward to seeing you there.

This event has now concluded.

Centenary Celebration Dinner

For 100 years Bible College SA has been preparing women and men for faithful and fruitful gospel service in South Australia, and around the world.

The Board of the College would love you to join in this very special night giving thanks and celebrating God’s sustaining goodness to us. The program for the evening will include a fantastic meal together and presentations from our Principal and Board President, and other members of the College community.

Saturday 21 September, 2024
National Wine Centre


Centenary Thanksgiving Service

To listen to the audio recording of this service, please click the links below.

Thanksgiving Service Audio
Thanksgiving Program
Download Message here