Please consider donating, making a bequest, praying for us and/or being a host or sponsor at our partnership dinner.
Support Bible College SA
Bible College SA does not receive any direct financial support from either the government or the church denominations. Student fees only cover around half of our operating costs, and so—like other Bible colleges around the country—we rely on the financial support of our partners who recognise the importance of our work for the long-term health of gospel ministry in our state.
All donations to the College’s foundation fund are tax deductible and used to support delivery of the awards of the Australian College of Theology.
There are two main options for making donations, donating online via credit card or with direct deposit (EFT).
Donate via Direct Deposit (EFT)
Bank: BankSA
Name: Bible College SA
BSB: 105-011
Account: 103-103-540
Please include your name in the description box.
It is also helpful to the College if you can advise us of your donation by phoning 08 8291 8188 or emailing
Note: Donations are tax deductible
For other giving options, please contact our office on 08 8291 8188 or by emailing

Leave a bequest
Supporters who wish to leave a bequest to Bible College SA can have their standard will prepared free of charge. Our bequest brochure is available here.

Be a host or sponsor at our partnership dinner
Each year Bible College SA runs a Partnership Dinner to introduce more Christian believers to our ministry, and to invite them to become supporters. The Dinner is a high quality event that does not cost our guests anything to attend, and it relies on existing partners hosting or sponsoring tables.
To find out more about how you can be involved, please phone our Partnerships Officer Mandy Krueger on 08 8291 8188 or email at