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May 20, 2024

This subject is taught by Geoff Sunstrom, a qualified practicing counsellor. Geoff is also a past lecturer in New Testament at Bible College SA, and thus can bring both biblical wisdom and practical experience.

The aim of the subject is to introduce students to key ideas in counselling, as well as to develop practical skills that will be invaluable in the pastoral situations that come up in church life. The aim is not to train people as counsellors, but to build skills that will be helpful in ministry. It will also help build an awareness of where we as ministry practitioners are able to help people, and where we might be better to refer someone on to professional counselling support.

The subject will be offered on Friday mornings, 9am-12pm, in Semester 2, 2024. The subject begins Friday July 26th, and there are 12 lecture weeks in the semester.

This subject can be taken as part of any of our courses at Bible College SA. New enrolments for awards at Bible College SA need to be submitted by June 28th.

You can also take this subject as an audit student – you can attend the lectures, but do not need to complete the assignments, and it won’t count towards a degree. The cost for auditing this subject is $600.

For more information, please contact 8291 8188 or email our Academic Administrator at seglenieks@biblecollege.sa.edu.au